Prayer Garden Updates! SPRINT 2025!
Investing in our Extraordinary Life Sanctuary, one seed, one path, one verse at a time and experience the gift of Healed-to-Restored!
LATEST UPDATE: Revealing the names of our 7 Paths to bless and encourage you!

PHASE TWO: COMPLETED! Welcome Area with Inspirational Art Work, Benches, and Sitting Area in main garden area
SPRINT 2025!
PHASE THREE: Create 7 PATHS with customized scripture signs (7 SIGNS are needed for each path at $65ea.)
PHASE FOUR: Veteran's and First Responder's Path of Honor and Remembrance (A place to honor their names in gratitude, and pray for those who served and are serving.)
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions or would like to donate a bench, table, large rocks, etc.
Would you be interested in helping with time, energy, or expertise to prepare the garden? Contact us today!
"When a bridge connects generosity and gratitude, it leads to amazing places." -Maria Lopez
FIRST UPDATE: We are so excited to share our Prayer Garden updates with you!
Extraordinary Life Sanctuary has been our heart project and a source of renewal for many. With our first youth retreat hosted in 2009 and countless life enrichment retreat days and FAITH-BUILDING workshops since then, we pray to continue to enrich and offer this one-of-a-kind resource of sharing God's amazing hope, love, and truth with all!
You may have participated in one of our enrichment days or retreats, taken some time to visit and walk through our gardens, or supported our mission in some way - THANK YOU!
For the last few years, we have urgently needed to update our gardens to make them more accessible and senior-friendly. The garden is for everyone; however, we want to be sure our precious seniors can maneuver through them safely, especially with the growing work Maria continues to do through her teaching and mentoring women of all ages.
One of the most significant needs is to build a bridge in the garden's center to connect both sides. AND... the good news is that after five years in waiting, God motivates hearts and minds to enable us to move forward with the bridge! In a nutshell, the story of the bridge is ... One day, a friend informed me that she had asked her husband if he would build a much-needed bridge in the prayer garden and he said yes! Wanting to support my life enrichment ministry . "You would just have to provide the supplies," she said.
You can imagine my surprise and extreme excitement! I quickly said a silent prayer; Lord, we have the builder; now we only need the materials. There is no way, You would provide a builder and no supplies. Around the same time, another friend was approached and asked by a local pastor how they could bless and thank me for the ministry I had been doing with many of the women from their church fellowship and community. She informed him that I had been praying for a bridge. He prayed about it and asked the church leadership if they would support this idea of blessing by helping toward the bridge project.
Are you kidding?! This is so amazing, and the super-duper awesomeness of the ways of God continues to blow my mind! He then approached my husband about the idea, but needed to figure out who would build it. Little did they know, God had already chosen the builder... We eventually connected the gifts of generosity and gratitude, and we will soon have a bridge in the prayer garden!!! "When a bridge connects generosity and gratitude, it leads to amazing places."
A little history of how this one-of-a-kind adventure began...
Customer Testimonials:
"I can see God's hand in all of this! Thank you for inviting us to journey with you!" Said Sara, an Enrichment Day participant.
"This is amazing and beautiful to witness!" shared another inspired visitor. FALL 2024
See more testimonials below...