Encouragement Books by Maria Lopez
"Incredible testimonies of how God intervenes! Everyone needs to read this! Thank you for opening yourself up!" -Joe and Carol
'GOD-ORCHESTRATED: Perfectly Timed Short Stories and Lessons!' With over 200 pages, I share a delicate blend of over 50 short stories and lessons of divine movement and momentum orchestrated by God in perfectly timed moments.
Since the opening of Perfect Timing Gift Shop on July 21st, 2020, God impressed upon my heart to journal moments of how He would faithfully act and sustain our mission as we served others.
Be ready to become inspired by my top 50 short stories and lessons about how God intervenes and makes the impossible truly possible! My hope in sharing is to deepen or reignite your faith as you journey with Him realizing –partnering with God makes all the difference.
"Amazing book! Thank you!" -Mary
Fear NOTHING and LIVE the Extraordinary with GRACE!
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7).
Unwrapping these 5 key principles:
"I've done many Bible studies in my life and Masterpiece is by far one of the best ones I've ever done. You make it so easy to follow along. Thank you!" -JoAnn
"This book has changed my life!" -Sue
Masterpiece! Learning to Live Within My Giftedness.....$20 (order here)
(Bulk orders of 25 or more receive a 20% discount. This is a workbook and study guide -8.5x11 158 pages)
Masterpiece! Learning to Live Within My Giftedness is to inspire you to master and joy in your giftedness! Do you know what gifts have been freely given to you to experience God's amazing plan and purpose for your life to become extraordinary? Do you find yourself in the journey to reach your God-given potential? God desires to reveal your giftedness, and it's part of His plan for you to know them so that you would delight in them! "You are God’s Masterpiece!” –Ephesians 2:10
Learning to partner and adventure with God through the pages of Scripture will enable you to unceasingly and courageously LIVE-OUT the one-of-a-kind MASTERPIECE INSIDE of YOU!
Many lessons from the Garden of Eden overlooked until now... read more here:
Celebrate the Gift in Every Season!
is to bring hope, inspire, and encourage you to experience the gift every season in life offers. There is always a reason for the season!
In this book I share inspirational Bible verses, thoughts, and quotes that will ENCOURAGE AND INSPIRE you to see beyond the challenge you are facing, and let God enable you to live beyond what you ever thought possible.
Learn to trust God in every season as you discover the gift of the season you are in.
"I have been praying to God to help me memorize Scripture! Wow, I'll take all the books you have!" -Pastor Bill
An easy to use tool to meditate and memorize inspirational Bible verses like never before! Yes! It's possible to sharpen your memory skills while enriching your faith journey!
Comes in various forms. Click link below to learn more:
When You Don't Know What to Say... (Also available in Spanish.)
is to bring encouragement and comfort to the believer, through sharing various prayers found in the Bible. When comfort or spiritual encouragement is needed, the best place to go is to the Bible. Through the Bible, God Himself will comfort us in ways no one else is able to or no other book can.
This book, containing many uplifting prayers, can be a source of strength and encouragement in your most difficult times.
Every prayer is interwoven with beautiful and original art-photography that I've been able to capture in nature to visibly see and share an All-loving God through His hand of creation.
An inspirational gift to say THANK YOU to the special Women and Men in your life.
It’s blessing those who have encouraged you countless times with their strength, faith, and words to help get you through difficult times in your life. This book offers a unique way to share encouragement through various prayers and promises found in the Bible. Every prayer and promise is interwoven with breathtaking photography that Maria has captured to visibly see and experience God's amazing attributes.
“The generous soul will be made rich, and they who water will also be watered themselves" (Proverbs 11:25).
Whatever you say, I love you more! -God
It has been said it takes 21 days to break a habit. Whether or not that is true ‘Whatever You Say, I Love You More...’ will give you 21 days of greater insight into how much God loves you and through His love, inspire you to draw from His unmeasurable and unending love.
Learn to thrive in your life as you connect daily with the greatest source of love. A love which clearly reveals... Whatever you say, God loves you so much more!
Maria Lopez is born and raised in her beloved state of Wisconsin. As a teacher of the Bible and Life Coach, she loves sharing and inspiring others how to move forward, growing strong in the Lord while cultivating an intimate relationship with Him.
She is 7th of 9 siblings and has truly grown to love the Lord through the years. She enjoys designing and writing encouragement books of various kinds to impact the reader with God’s creation interwoven with His life-transforming Word. Her focus in doing so is to empower and equip others to live out God’s amazing plan and purpose for their lives, and to share it with others.
Read more about her heart mission through the Extraordinary Life Sanctuary